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ANGEL GABRIAL_edited_edited.jpg



Gabriel Gabriel is the messenger from God. Gabriel delivered a message to Zechariah saying; your wife will bare a son and you will name him john. Gabriel also visited virgin Mary. He told her she will bare a son and you will name him Jesus. He will be the son of God. 




Samson Samson  was a nazarite who believed in god. Samson had a thing for philistine women  Samson was in love with Delilah. Samson killed a thousand men with a jawbone from a donkey. He even killed a lion with his bare hands.

Jesus Christ


Jesus was born in the city of Bethlehem. Jesus had twelve disciples. Jesus healed the sick and cured many people. Even raised the dead. Even though all the miracles Jesus has done most of the people of Jerusalem didn't believe he was the son of God. Jesus died on the cross for the sin of the people in the world. 




Elijah was a prophet  lead by  the spirit of god. Elijah was taken from the earth in a chariot of fire. Elijah through god, has proven to the people of Israel that there God Bal is a fake and the God he serves is real by contest.




Elizabeth Elizabeth was a Woman of God who served and loved god. Elizabeth was barren meaning she couldn’t have children.  Elizabeth was blessed by god, to receive a child. Elizabeth’s husband Zechariah was told by angel Gabriel to name his son john. Who the son later being john the Baptist. The man who baptized Jesus. 




Mary was the wife of Joseph and mother of Jesus. Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel and told that she would bare a son and name him Jesus. Mary was also visited by three wise men receiving gifts.

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